An Overview
Our Lease to Own model provides a flexible financing option that allows businesses and individuals to embrace solar energy with minimal upfront costs (without experiencing undue financial strain or basically breaking the bank). Through strategic partnerships with trusted financial institutions, we make solar PV systems accessible to a wider range of clients.

Our partner financier provides the necessary financing to cover the upfront costs of the solar PV system.

Design & Installation
PowerPoint Systems designs and installs a state-of-the-art solar PV system customized to your energy requirements.

Loan Repayment
You repay the loan over a period of 7 years through fixed-rate monthly payments without any escalation.
How it Works
1. Financing: Our partner financier provides the necessary financing to cover the upfront costs of the solar PV system.
2. Design and Installation: PowerPoint Systems designs and installs a state-of-the-art solar PV system customized to your energy requirements.
3. Loan Repayment: You repay the loan over a period of 7 years through fixed-rate monthly payments without any escalation. This allows for better financial planning and budgeting.
4. Operation and Maintenance: PowerPoint Systems takes care of the system's operation and maintenance throughout the loan tenure, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.